Fquaye149 (8:50:08 PM): to me, the opera is archaic
Fquaye149 (8:50:10 PM): for instance
themetroschifter (8:50:12 PM): opera = shite
Fquaye149 (8:50:16 PM): i wouldn't say that
themetroschifter (8:50:20 PM): dude
Fquaye149 (8:50:22 PM): but we wouldn't go see a dw griffith film
Fquaye149 (8:50:26 PM): because the opera is outdated
Fquaye149 (8:50:31 PM): and so are black and white silent films
Fquaye149 (8:50:37 PM): no matter how groundbreaking they were when they came out
Fquaye149 (8:50:42 PM): we can appreciate the genius of them
Fquaye149 (8:50:45 PM): or the things they did well
themetroschifter (8:50:45 PM): that's how I feel about music
Fquaye149 (8:50:48 PM): but they don't hold up
themetroschifter (8:50:53 PM): which is why I don't really dig the old bands
Fquaye149 (8:51:02 PM): well except most of the old bands did it better
themetroschifter (8:51:11 PM): that's like, your opinion man
Fquaye149 (8:51:17 PM): i think almost anyone would agree
Fquaye149 (8:51:25 PM): but i don't know how many people would say that, say,
themetroschifter (8:51:31 PM): my genius transcends everyone
Fquaye149 (8:51:33 PM): "the public enemy" is better than goodfellas
Fquaye149 (8:51:35 PM): hahhahahaha
Fquaye149 (8:51:40 PM): says the guy who doesn't listen to television
themetroschifter (8:51:52 PM): ok look at it this way
themetroschifter (8:52:04 PM): vegetables are OBJECTIVELY better for you than say, beer or chocolate
themetroschifter (8:52:07 PM): what do I enjoy more?
themetroschifter (8:52:08 PM): the latter
themetroschifter (8:52:13 PM): it's the same way with music
Fquaye149 (8:53:56 PM): but that's not true man
Fquaye149 (8:54:06 PM): for instance some things about vegetables are worse for you than beer
Fquaye149 (8:54:18 PM): for instance the enjoyment you get from the taste of beer exceeds vegetables
Fquaye149 (8:54:22 PM): the way it fills you up
Fquaye149 (8:54:25 PM): and vegetables can't get you drunk
Fquaye149 (8:54:35 PM): and all those things make beer better for you in some ways than vegetables
themetroschifter (8:54:36 PM): I mean from a physiological standpoint
Fquaye149 (8:54:40 PM): regardless
themetroschifter (8:54:42 PM): not a preferences one
Fquaye149 (8:54:46 PM): mental health is important to physical health
themetroschifter (8:54:54 PM): eh you know what I mean
Fquaye149 (8:55:03 PM): yeah except you are oversimplifying it
themetroschifter (8:55:16 PM): no I tihnk it works
themetroschifter (8:55:18 PM): pretty well
Fquaye149 (8:55:22 PM): nah
themetroschifter (8:55:25 PM): or should I use
themetroschifter (8:55:29 PM): the steak/burger analogy
Fquaye149 (8:55:30 PM): because it's not like television is supposed to be "Better for you"
Fquaye149 (8:55:41 PM): because it's not like verlaine can sing
Fquaye149 (8:55:45 PM): yet he creates an aesthetic
Fquaye149 (8:55:48 PM): with his bad vocals
Fquaye149 (8:55:49 PM): that is so good
Fquaye149 (8:55:53 PM): that even julian casablancas
Fquaye149 (8:55:59 PM): who is a much better singer
Fquaye149 (8:56:03 PM): would try to imitate it
themetroschifter (8:56:31 PM): I don't know man
Fquaye149 (8:56:52 PM): i'm not trying to say that tv is better than the strokes
themetroschifter (8:56:55 PM): I'm just not down with that
Fquaye149 (8:56:55 PM): because i enjoy MORE strokes songs
Fquaye149 (8:57:04 PM): but their best songs are so much better than the strokes songs that rip them off
Fquaye149 (8:57:06 PM): that it's ridiculous
Fquaye149 (8:57:17 PM): and if you honestly would prefer a song like last nite, as good as last nite is
Fquaye149 (8:57:20 PM): to venus de milo
Fquaye149 (8:57:25 PM): there is honestly something wrong with you
themetroschifter (8:57:29 PM): hahahahah well dude
Fquaye149 (8:57:32 PM): because venus de milo is one of the 20 best songs ever made
themetroschifter (8:57:36 PM): I think there is something wrong with my taste
Fquaye149 (8:57:46 PM): you just didn't listen to venus de milo probably
Fquaye149 (8:58:00 PM): or you're trying to hard to flout pitchforkesque conventions
themetroschifter (8:58:07 PM): I'm downloading this against my better judgement
themetroschifter (8:58:10 PM): no fuck that pitchfork shit
themetroschifter (8:58:15 PM): god no on that
Fquaye149 (8:58:21 PM): just saying
themetroschifter (8:58:27 PM): I still think my vegetable thing holds
Fquaye149 (8:58:30 PM): i mean here's the thing:
themetroschifter (8:58:30 PM): it just needs to be refined
Fquaye149 (8:58:39 PM): i wouldn't give a fuck if any song came out at any time
Fquaye149 (8:58:42 PM): it wouldn't make a difference
Fquaye149 (8:58:49 PM): if a song's good it's good
Fquaye149 (8:58:53 PM): and that's that
Fquaye149 (8:59:00 PM): and unless a song rips off another song
Fquaye149 (9:00:46 PM): it's all whatever
Fquaye149 (9:00:48 PM): the point is
Fquaye149 (9:01:08 PM): that it's not like you're going to hear me make an argument that "music has to be complicated, or significant artistically to be good"
Fquaye149 (9:01:12 PM): i've never made that argument
Fquaye149 (9:01:17 PM): i think a song by guided by voices
Fquaye149 (9:01:21 PM): or by fucking green day
themetroschifter (9:01:22 PM): that is THE pitchfork argument
Fquaye149 (9:01:24 PM): is good if it's good
themetroschifter (9:01:31 PM): well GBV just rules
Fquaye149 (9:01:41 PM): SOME of their SONGS rule
Fquaye149 (9:01:44 PM): i wouldn't say GBV rules
themetroschifter (9:01:47 PM): ok
themetroschifter (9:01:53 PM): well that's another debatable line
Fquaye149 (9:01:54 PM): because even on their best album, like 1/5 of the songs suck
themetroschifter (9:02:04 PM): what is the cut off point from moving to a good band to a band that rules?
Fquaye149 (9:02:08 PM): well i would say
Fquaye149 (9:02:16 PM): you would have to have at least 3 good albums
Fquaye149 (9:02:23 PM): and by good i mean really good
themetroschifter (9:02:27 PM): there's a blog that made this argument
Fquaye149 (9:02:28 PM): at least one of those 3 should be GREAT
Fquaye149 (9:02:37 PM): and you can't have more mediocre albums than good albums
themetroschifter (9:02:40 PM): and they came up with only 4 bands that qualified
Fquaye149 (9:02:44 PM): i think if that's the case then you rule
themetroschifter (9:02:52 PM): white stripes, outkast, wilco, radiohead
Fquaye149 (9:02:55 PM): also you can rule
Fquaye149 (9:03:07 PM): if you have less than 3 good albums
Fquaye149 (9:03:11 PM): but only if one of them is great
Fquaye149 (9:03:17 PM): and you don't have more than 1 mediocre albums
Fquaye149 (9:03:31 PM): and if you only have 1 good album...if it's great
Fquaye149 (9:03:35 PM): and you don't have any mediocre albums
themetroschifter (9:04:01 PM): oi
themetroschifter (9:04:02 PM): ok
Fquaye149 (9:04:07 PM): so basically
Fquaye149 (9:04:13 PM): the following bands would rule
Fquaye149 (9:04:17 PM): and i'll just nam ea few
Fquaye149 (9:04:45 PM): nirvana
themetroschifter (9:04:52 PM): see now this is the kind of thing that should be debated on the blog
Fquaye149 (9:04:58 PM): the beatles
themetroschifter (9:05:00 PM): oops "online magazine"
Fquaye149 (9:05:00 PM): big star
themetroschifter (9:05:05 PM): hmmmm
themetroschifter (9:05:07 PM): big star is iffy
Fquaye149 (9:05:09 PM): rolling stones
Fquaye149 (9:05:18 PM): well for me they have 3 good albums
Fquaye149 (9:05:19 PM): one great album
Fquaye149 (9:05:22 PM): and no mediocre albums
Fquaye149 (9:05:28 PM): the thing is too
themetroschifter (9:05:30 PM): to be honest they started to bore me
themetroschifter (9:05:32 PM): so I deleted them
themetroschifter (9:05:39 PM): although I do love thirteen
Fquaye149 (9:05:43 PM): is even if you have too many mediocre albums to "rule"
Fquaye149 (9:05:54 PM): you can still debatably rule if you have one really really really classic album
Fquaye149 (9:06:05 PM): ESPECIALLY if most of your mediocre albums came toward the end of your career
themetroschifter (9:06:11 PM): ok
Fquaye149 (9:06:11 PM): therefore, G'n'R could still rule
Fquaye149 (9:06:15 PM): neil young could still rule
Fquaye149 (9:06:17 PM): the rolling stones
Fquaye149 (9:06:31 PM): bob dylan (although some pretentious cocksuckers pretend his new albums are as good as his old)
Fquaye149 (9:06:37 PM): pavement
Fquaye149 (9:06:40 PM): etc. etc. etc.
themetroschifter (9:06:51 PM): dylan is such an institution he transcends objective ascertations of his quality
themetroschifter (9:06:58 PM): nobody can be objective about dylan
themetroschifter (9:06:59 PM): no on.
Fquaye149 (9:07:00 PM): of course
themetroschifter (9:07:01 PM): no one
Fquaye149 (9:07:06 PM): any system that would name dylan not "ruling"
Fquaye149 (9:07:11 PM): would be an inherently flawed system
Fquaye149 (9:07:20 PM): therefore everything about a system must take into consideration that dylan does in fact rule
themetroschifter (9:07:23 PM): yes
themetroschifter (9:07:27 PM): well he's like the outlyer
themetroschifter (9:07:31 PM): outlier
themetroschifter (9:07:39 PM): in statistical analysis
Fquaye149 (9:08:26 PM): nah
Fquaye149 (9:08:30 PM): because he rules by any standard
Fquaye149 (9:08:42 PM): like it's not like he rules as exception
Fquaye149 (9:08:48 PM): he's pretty much the reason we would think a band rules
Fquaye149 (9:08:52 PM): therefore he must fit within the system
Fquaye149 (9:09:34 PM): some bands it's so debatable if they rule
Fquaye149 (9:09:39 PM): for instance: does modest mouse rule?
Fquaye149 (9:09:43 PM): it's not that cut and dry
Fquaye149 (9:09:51 PM): because they have three very respectable albums
Fquaye149 (9:09:55 PM): a decent album
Fquaye149 (9:10:04 PM): and some v. good b-sides on their b-sides albums
Fquaye149 (9:10:08 PM): HOWEVEr
Fquaye149 (9:10:25 PM): they don't have a single GREAT album in my opinion...because all their albums are baggy and bloated
Fquaye149 (9:10:39 PM): HOWEVER they also have some unparalleled songs for their time period
Fquaye149 (9:10:52 PM): and the highlights on their albums, despite the shortcomings of said albums, are numerous
themetroschifter (9:13:37 PM): ell yes
themetroschifter (9:13:48 PM): dude
themetroschifter (9:13:51 PM): my IM is being a fuck up
themetroschifter (9:13:54 PM): well I'd think
Fquaye149 (9:13:56 PM): haha why?
themetroschifter (9:14:00 PM): I don't know
themetroschifter (9:14:03 PM): it was frozen for a second
themetroschifter (9:14:07 PM): well with modest mouse
themetroschifter (9:14:13 PM): you have the moon and antarctica
themetroschifter (9:14:20 PM): which I would say is close to being a great album
Fquaye149 (9:14:21 PM): that's my least favorite, honestly
Fquaye149 (9:14:27 PM): because its good songs aren't that good
themetroschifter (9:14:28 PM): but some of the songs go on too long
Fquaye149 (9:14:32 PM): and while it works best as an album
themetroschifter (9:14:32 PM): and that doesn't surprise me at all
Fquaye149 (9:14:36 PM): yeah it's too long on some songs
Fquaye149 (9:14:39 PM): it's too fucking ambient
Fquaye149 (9:14:43 PM): and they don't hardly rock at all
themetroschifter (9:14:45 PM): you hate ambience
themetroschifter (9:14:46 PM): I love it
Fquaye149 (9:14:46 PM): it's a fucking dcfc album
Fquaye149 (9:14:51 PM): ambience is good
themetroschifter (9:14:51 PM): hahahahahahahahah
Fquaye149 (9:14:54 PM): but ambience never RULES
Fquaye149 (9:14:58 PM): how can ambience RULE?
themetroschifter (9:15:01 PM): what did you think of that death cab lovesong cover
themetroschifter (9:15:06 PM): it's all about fitting the mood
Fquaye149 (9:15:06 PM): it was ok
themetroschifter (9:15:08 PM): and that can rule
Fquaye149 (9:15:16 PM): but it was pretty much just a dcfc cover, if you know what i mean
Fquaye149 (9:15:20 PM): no fitting the mood never rules
themetroschifter (9:15:22 PM): it sounded exactly like...yeah
Fquaye149 (9:15:24 PM): CHANGING the mood rules
themetroschifter (9:15:31 PM): naw
Fquaye149 (9:15:35 PM): yup
themetroschifter (9:15:38 PM): both are functions of music
Fquaye149 (9:15:38 PM): a band has to OWN the mood
Fquaye149 (9:15:45 PM): and some ambient songs can bring you to their mood
Fquaye149 (9:15:48 PM): like tiny vessels, for instance
Fquaye149 (9:15:57 PM): or district
themetroschifter (9:15:57 PM): hahahahh
themetroschifter (9:16:05 PM): now that is fav. dcfc song - tiny vessels
Fquaye149 (9:16:09 PM): it's pretty good
Fquaye149 (9:16:14 PM): i'mcoming around all the way on that one
Fquaye149 (9:16:17 PM): i mean, i always liked it
Fquaye149 (9:16:22 PM): but i am starting to appreciate it
Fquaye149 (9:16:23 PM): nevertheless
Fquaye149 (9:16:31 PM): it's the exception as far as death cab songs go
Fquaye149 (9:16:37 PM): even some of their better songs, like coney island
Fquaye149 (9:16:41 PM): or blacking out the friction
Fquaye149 (9:16:45 PM): don't really create their own mood
Fquaye149 (9:16:50 PM): but rather fit a preestablished mood
Fquaye149 (9:16:59 PM): whereas truly great songs own their mood
Fquaye149 (9:17:48 PM): the point is...think of the truly great songs
themetroschifter (9:17:52 PM): ok
Fquaye149 (9:18:50 PM): the truly great songs
Fquaye149 (9:18:55 PM): you don't have to be in the mood for them
Fquaye149 (9:19:28 PM): i'm trying to think of a song you and i would both agree was undeniably great
Fquaye149 (9:19:43 PM): and that isn't necessarily about feeling sorry for one's self
themetroschifter (9:19:45 PM): andrew wk - party hard
Fquaye149 (9:19:49 PM): haha well yeah
Fquaye149 (9:19:51 PM): that sounds good
Fquaye149 (9:19:55 PM): if you're in a shitty mood
Fquaye149 (9:20:04 PM): you won't be like "man...if i were in a good mood this song would be good"
Fquaye149 (9:20:14 PM): you woudl be like...yeah this rocks
Fquaye149 (9:20:17 PM): and i feel like partying
Fquaye149 (9:20:22 PM): even if your girlfriend just dumped you
Fquaye149 (9:20:27 PM): and then the song would end and you'd feel shitty again
Fquaye149 (9:20:31 PM): you know what i mean?
themetroschifter (9:20:34 PM): yeah
Fquaye149 (9:20:44 PM): but if you're feeling like you've finally gotten over your girlfriend
themetroschifter (9:20:48 PM): it's 3 and a half minutes of beer-chugging intensity
Fquaye149 (9:20:51 PM): or if you're in a good relationship or something
Fquaye149 (9:21:00 PM): you can't listen to fucking champagne from a paper cup
Fquaye149 (9:21:06 PM): or i mean it's not like you CAN'T listen to it
Fquaye149 (9:21:14 PM): but it doesn't effect you that much compared to if you feel shitty
Fquaye149 (9:21:30 PM): however, tiny vessels, for instance, transcends how you feel
Fquaye149 (9:21:33 PM): you know what i mean?
Fquaye149 (9:21:38 PM): no matter how good a time you're having
Fquaye149 (9:21:59 PM): hearing that song...and it doesn't relate to my life at all these days....you feel like gibbard does
themetroschifter (9:22:09 PM): yes
Fquaye149 (9:22:25 PM): i mean how many times recently have you said:
Fquaye149 (9:22:40 PM): "well this girl is beautiful and loves me but i don't really love her as much as i'm pretending to"?
Fquaye149 (9:22:44 PM): i mean, i can't relate to that at all
themetroschifter (9:22:48 PM): hahahah
themetroschifter (9:22:51 PM): well
themetroschifter (9:22:57 PM): although not exactly that same sentiment
Fquaye149 (9:23:04 PM): nevertheless
themetroschifter (9:23:05 PM): there have been times sort of like that for me
Fquaye149 (9:23:08 PM): right
Fquaye149 (9:23:18 PM): i mean, but you certainly don't feel GUILTY about leading a girl on
themetroschifter (9:23:22 PM): oh yes
Fquaye149 (9:23:23 PM): or depressed that you can't love a girl you should love
Fquaye149 (9:23:23 PM): any more
themetroschifter (9:23:43 PM): yeah I know
Fquaye149 (9:23:49 PM): hah ayeah
Fquaye149 (9:23:50 PM): but still
Fquaye149 (9:23:57 PM): it makes you remember all the times you did
Fquaye149 (9:24:02 PM): but songs like champagne can't do that
Fquaye149 (9:24:05 PM): even new year, for instance
Fquaye149 (9:24:10 PM): or soul meets body
themetroschifter (9:24:30 PM): soul meets body is a bit overrated as a song I believe
Fquaye149 (9:24:42 PM): it's poppy
Fquaye149 (9:24:45 PM): unlike most dcfc songs
themetroschifter (9:24:48 PM): brothers on a hotel bed is a much better song off that album
Fquaye149 (9:24:48 PM): which is why it gets love
Fquaye149 (9:24:54 PM): because everybody WANTS to like dc
Fquaye149 (9:24:58 PM): because they're told it's cool to
Fquaye149 (9:25:03 PM): but they need something they can comprehend
themetroschifter (9:25:06 PM): yeah
Fquaye149 (9:28:16 PM): whatever though
Fquaye149 (9:28:20 PM): good for them
themetroschifter (9:28:51 PM): I hate people
themetroschifter (9:28:52 PM): fuck them
Fquaye149 (9:29:01 PM): well i can drink to that
themetroschifter (9:29:09 PM): they need to go back to listening to nsync and that shit and let me bask in my faux-undergroundness
Fquaye149 (9:29:14 PM): eh
Fquaye149 (9:29:15 PM): whtaever
themetroschifter (9:29:18 PM): yeah
Fquaye149 (9:29:20 PM): i hate them nevertheless
Fquaye149 (9:29:41 PM): i did like it a lot better when i could legitimately assume a connection based on musical taste
themetroschifter (9:29:50 PM): that's kind of what I am talking about
Fquaye149 (9:30:03 PM): but even that was specious
Fquaye149 (9:30:11 PM): because what does that even mean? so you like the same fucking bands i do
Fquaye149 (
themetroschifter (
Fquaye149 (
themetroschifter (
Fquaye149 (
Fquaye149 (
themetroschifter (9:31:45 PM): yeah
themetroschifter (9:31:49 PM): that it does
themetroschifter (9:31:57 PM): which is better than standing there staring at someone
Fquaye149 (9:31:57 PM): but there's no guarantee they understand it or even take in the sensations in the same way you do
themetroschifter (9:32:02 PM): ulnless said person is really hot
Fquaye149 (9:32:05 PM): well of course
Fquaye149 (9:32:07 PM): OF COURSE
themetroschifter (9:32:09 PM): well the only way to find out is to talk
themetroschifter (9:32:17 PM): even nyc has its fatties